And this will be our puppy !
Tattersett Frankel " Frankie "
Updated pictures from the pups
New puppy pictures
Unfortunately my laptop has had to go to the menders and some of the future puppy owners details are on there, could they please phone me.
Florin and Ellie's pups 4 weeks old !
Florin and Ellie's pups 4 weeks old !
Ellie's pups are 2 weeks old !
Both Ellie's pups are blue, update pictures of them next week.
Pups Florin 2 weeks old !
Florin has 3 blue ? tri dogs,
3 orange dogs,
1 blue bitch and 1 orange bitch.
3 orange dogs,
1 blue bitch and 1 orange bitch.
On April 4 Ellie became the proud mother of 2 strong dogs !!!
First pictures of them !
On March 31st 6 dogs and 2 bitches were born !!!
Mother Florin and puppies are doing great !!!